One-on-One Business Support
Get free guidance on how to best start or scale your business
Whether you need to better understand the process of scaling production, understanding a commercial lease, or detailed assistance with financials, Food Incubation Services can assist you.
Coaching and Technical Assistance​
ECDI’s Food Incubation Services offers in depth, industry specific coaching and technical assistance. With access to one-on-one consulting, we will work with each business to develop a growth plan, identify critical benchmarks, connect with other industry subject matter experts, and provide ongoing support along the way.
One-on-One Consulting through the WBC​
Along with food-and-beverage industry-specific assistance through Food Fort, members have access to a full range of general business assistance and one-on-one consulting through ECDI and our WBCs. Mentors are here to help with anything from reviewing a lease to developing your business plan to marketing yourself on social media.