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MBE or EDGE Certification


Gathering all the necessary documentation to apply for any certification can seem daunting. There are for-profit businesses that will help applicants for a fee of hundreds to thousands of dollars – however, free help is available from several local sources.

What are the benefits of being WBE-, MBE- or EDGE-Certified?


Access to More Contracts: Gaining a certification gives your business procurement preference for a share of contracts with state agencies, boards, commissions and universities, as well as a host of local government organizations and private-sector companies. The State of Ohio, the City of Columbus, The Ohio State University, and many other local organizations and companies have spending goals with MBE-, WBE- and EDGE-certified businesses for services ranging from construction to IT to design. Gaining a certification can open your business to potential new sources of revenue.


Inclusion in Certified Business Databases: The state, the city and several other entities provide searchable databases for procurement. Being in these databases makes your company discoverable by more (and sometimes bigger) potential customers.


Access to Business Resources: Business owners also have access to grants, loans and training programs that are designated for MBE-, WBE- or EDGE-certified or qualified companies. ECDI is a lending source for some of these funds and provides a wide range of training and education through our Women’s Business Centers. State-supported Minority Business Assistance Centers (MBACs) can also be found throughout Ohio. You do not have to be certified to take advantage of many available services; however, certification can help assure you have access to all applicable resources.



What companies are eligible for MBE-, WBE- or EDGE-Certification?

To be eligible for MBE or EDGE certification from the State of Ohio, businesses must be operational for at least one year before applying; must be at least 51% owned by a person who is female, in a minority group (Black, Latinx, Native American, Asian), or who is otherwise socially or economically disadvantaged; and the business owner must have day-to-day control over the business and possess all licenses and permits. Learn more.


To be eligible for WBE certification from the Women’s Business National Enterprise Council (WBENC), businesses must be 51% owned, controlled, operated and managed by a woman or women. The State of Ohio requires that the business is at least 51% female owned and has been operating for at least a year prior to applying. Learn more.


How does my business get our certification?

The State of Ohio’s Unified Application can be filled out online in the Ohio Business Gateway. To apply for MBE and EDGE certifications, you’ll need to provide supporting documentation. (Download this checklist.) Once submitted, the application takes between 45-60 business days to be reviewed by the Ohio Department of Administrative Services. Once approved, the company receives the certification by email.


To apply for WBE certification from the state, complete this application. A list of supporting documents is available for download at this link and you'll be subject to an interview and possible onsite review by state compliance officers. Reviews take an average of 60 to 90 business days and certifications are sent via email. Applications can be expedited if you are certified with a reciprocal state or partnering agency.


The WBENC provides national WBE certification. An application and supporting documentation is also required. The processing time upon completion of your application is typically 90 days and requires a site visit.


There is no cost to apply for WBE, MBE or EDGE certification through the state. There is a fee to apply for WBE certification through WBEC.


Tips and resources for applying

Across the state of Ohio, there are Minority Business Assistance Centers (MBACs). In Columbus, you can receive help from the Ohio Department of Administrative Services or Columbus Urban League for MBE or EDGE certification. ECDI’s Women’s Business Centers offer virtual training sessions throughout the year. To learn about the next training at ECDI, sign up for our newsletter and be notified of future webinars and virtual workshops.

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